Using an iPad To Increase Remote Work Productivity

Using an iPad To Increase Remote Work Productivity

Taking on a remote work role can be challenging as you work through the ideal setup and overcome the endless distractions. It takes time to find a groove that benefits your productivity levels, whether you’re working from home or elsewhere. We took the time to explore how an iPad can help your efforts and bring you the productivity you’re looking for. Read on to learn more!

Use External Accessories

External accessories can go a long way with efficiency and user-friendliness. You might have a slight learning curve when you begin using the iPad or when you introduce accessories, but once you find a rhythm, you’ll be glad you invested in the additional items. iPads can increase remote work productivity when used with a mouse and the Apple Pencil. The mouse allows you to gain more functionality on the smaller screen and the pencil helps you make immediate changes as if you were using pen and paper.

Learn the Various Shortcuts

iPads feature various shortcuts and commands that create more efficiency and can increase your productivity. If you invested in an attachable keyboard, there are five primary commands you can use to make your next move with ease. A few examples of these commands include Command+H to get to the home screen or Command+Tab to go to your most recently visited application.

It’s essential to note there are other commands worth learning, but spend time figuring out which ones will serve you best for your remote work demands.

Let Siri Help

In general, people’s opinions on Siri can vary. However, if you use it diligently and precisely, you can make the most of your remote work experience. Things such as launching applications, taking notes, or playing soft background music can be mindless commands you request of Siri, in addition to answering your questions on the fly or helping you problem-solve. Many don’t dive into Siri’s full potential, but using an iPad for remote work to increase productivity means giving Siri the opportunity to let its light shine and help out.

Fast Charge Your Device

Devices need charging to perform the functions and commands you wish, so when your remote work iPad needs charging, consider using a faster system to avoid missing stuff. Simply place your device in airplane mode from the control center and allow it time to charge for a bit before returning to normal functions. You can also consider running the cord through your desk setup to ensure you always have access to your charger.

Wisetek Market is a reputable reseller of reconditioned iPads and devices. We carry devices, accessories, and much more to help you get set up for success in your remote work environment. We offer a fully supportive 30-day return policy with a one-year warranty, so you can rest assured your new-to-you iPad will serve you well. Shop our unique selection today!